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“Unguento unguento portami al noce di Benevento, sopra l’acqua e sopra il vento sopra ogni altro maltempo…”
is an Italian magic formula that in English means:” “Ointment ointment take me to the Benevento walnut, over the water and over the wind over any other bad weather …”
With this invocation le Ianare, on bad weather nights, went to the Walnut of Benevento for their Sabas. In Sannio, on stormy nights, the grandmothers said that it was a time since Ianare. Beyond the legends, who like me was born in Sannio, in the walnut plantations, they are typical of the area. The whole family was busy planting a new forest: the land was plowed, the plant was prepared by arranging the ditches at regular distances, planting, covering, fertilizing. The plant had to be kept clean from weeds and every year around the seedlings it was hoed and fertilized. I was five years old when I participated in the plant made by my family and my job was to put 2 nuts in each ditch. The rest, if we meet, I will tell you verbally …
Oreste Russo
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Technical features
Geographical area: wood of the Sannio
Weaving: Medium
Fibering: Varied
Volume mass: 630-750 Kg / M3
Withdrawal: Medium
Specific withdrawal: 0.24
Dimensional stability: **** Medium-High
Brinell penetration hardness: **** Medium -High
Durability: Low
Oxidation: Medium-Low
Coating: No problem
Various notes: Easily attackable by xylophagous insects. It can also lend chromatic differences evident in the same element
Mechanical characteristics on impact: good
Defects: deviation of the fiber
* (resistance to attack by mushrooms and insects)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Sannio nut is a noble wood that has been used in our land since ancient times: it gave every year fundamental fruits for sustenance because they have exceptional nutritional properties and, very important for times when the cold chain was very difficult, not they are easily perishable.
Walnut has always been considered a noble wood, for veneering or building valuable furniture. The uniqueness of each piece is a typical characteristic of each wood, but for the national walnut this description takes on its own tones. Only by seeing a batch of staves laid together can we conclude that harmony is only what nature gives us and that man with his choices can alter only in a non-virtuous way.
Its warm and discolored nuances, which can take on shades ranging from brown to honey to mahogany, form its value. Walnut is a passe par tout: any furniture finds a nuance in walnut that will form the link between the wood and the context.[/vc_column_text][vc_masonry_media_grid element_width=”3″ gap=”10″ grid_id=”vc_gid:1572427004904-91fd9bcb-f02c-8″ include=”524,743,744,745,530,473,474,475,476,477,478,480,481,482,582,583,585,584,586,587,588,589,590,591,592,593,596,595″][/vc_column][/vc_row]